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SSL is a protocol (set of rules) that is used to establish a safe connection between two parties over the internet. It works by using a combination of cryptography and authentication for protection of the transmitting data from one node to another. During the process of SSL handshake, the participants exchange a series of messages to negotiate the details of the encryption. Once the handshake is complete, the secure connection is established and it’s possible to start exchanging encrypted data.

This technology is commonly used to secure sensitive information, for example card numbers or personal data. It is also used to authenticate the identity of the parties involved in the communication and to avoid data interception by an unauthorized third party.

When you visit a website protected with SSL, your connection to the website is secured and any information that you send or receive from the website is encrypted, making it much harder for anyone to intercept or access your data. You can usually tell if a website is using SSL by looking for the padlock icon in the address bar of your web browser or by checking for the “https” prefix in the URL.

Google does not require websites to have SSL certificates in order to be included in search results. However, having it can be beneficial for your website’s rankings in Google because it is seen as a sign of trustworthiness. Also SSL is important for protecting sensitive information that is transmitted over the internet, such as login credentials and financial information.

For this reason, it is generally recommended for everyone related to online payments, such as online stores or financial services. While SSL is not strictly required by Google, it is a good practice to use SSL to improve the user experience.

The price can be different depending on some options. Here are some general price ranges:

  • Domain Validation (DV) SSL: Prices for DV SSL certificates can range from free to a few hundred dollars per year. The most of websites are secured by this option and average price everybody pay is about 20-30$/year.
  • Organization Validation (OV) SSL: Prices for OV SSL certificates can range from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars per year, depending on the CA and the length of the validity period.
  • Extended Validation (EV) SSL: Prices for EV SSL certificates can range from several hundred dollars to several thousand dollars per year, depending on the CA and the length of the validity period.

It’s worth noting that some CAs offer discounts for longer validity periods, so purchasing an SSL certificate for a longer period of time can potentially save you money in the long run. It’s also important to consider that with SSL, you increase user security and trust, and this may outweigh the initial cost.

You can get one of SSL sertificate for free. The most of hosting panel support it (if it’s not blocked by hosting company). The level of trust and security provided by these certificates can vary. Free SSL certificates can be a good option for individuals or small businesses that don’t have the budget to purchase a paid SSL certificate. However, it’s important to note that free SSL certificates may come with certain limitations, such as shorter validity periods or less comprehensive support. It’s also worth considering that paid SSL certificates may offer additional features and benefits that may be useful for your specific needs.

The most popular free ones are Let’s Trust, Comodo and ZeroSSL. 99% that your hosting panel supports one from this list. Also you can create free SSL on websites like but you will need to renew it manually every 90 days.